Psychology Honors Track
The Honors Track in Psychology is an exciting program offered through a joint agreement between the Department of Psychology and UH Mānoa Honors Program. Students receive mentoring, train to conduct psychological research, take psychology honors classes, receive assistance in preparing for graduate school, participate in informal activities associated with psychology, and present their work at meetings or co-author a research paper.
Admission Requirements
Students must first be accepted into the Psychology Honors Track before applying to the Honors Program. To be admitted into the Psychology Honors Track:
- Students must have a Department of Psychology faculty mentor or faculty mentor approved by the Psychology Honors Director.
- The Psychology Honors Director must approve the application, which typically occurs after an interview.
- Students must have a minimum Psychology GPA of 3.5.
To remain in the program, students must:
- Be actively involved in research under the direction of their faculty mentor.
- Be enrolled in the required courses.
- Maintain a Psychology GPA of 3.5.
- Participate in activities associated with the Psychology and University Honors Program.
Coursework and Requirements
In addition to fulfilling the course requirements for an undergraduate psychology degree, students will take designated Honors classes in psychology and in the Undergraduate Honors Program. Honors-track coursework is designed for students who are expected to be in the program throughout their junior and senior years.
Phase 1 - Research Proposal
- Submission of a 10-12 page (minimum) research proposal, accompanied by a signed proposal/mentor form.
- HON 491: Junior Seminar (WI, 3 credits)
- Required by the Honors Program this interdisciplinary course is designed to promote a broad liberal arts education. It can be taken at any time and is not a pre-requisite for higher level Honors courses.
Phase 2 - Post Research Proposal Submission
- PSY 499: Directed Reading or Research and/or HON 496: Senior Honors Project (6 credits total)
- Throughout their research, students must be enrolled in PSY 499 or HON 496. Students and their mentors will determine the appropriate number of PSY 499 credits per semester. During this time, students are expected to complete their research project and write their senior honors thesis.
- HON 494: Honors Workshop (0 credits)
- Designed to accompany PSY 499 or HON 496, students learn about protocol when working with faculty, design a detailed plan for their directed reading/independent work, and become familiar with Honors Program criteria, timelines, and resources.
- HON 494 should be taken in the first semester of a student's two-semester HON 496 or PSY 499 series.
At the completion of their research project, students are required to present their final findings at the spring or fall Undergraduate Showcase.
Honors students are highly encouraged to take one of the following courses to get them started on the process of writing a research proposal.
- PSY 429 (with Dr. Scott Sinnett)
- PSY 439 (with Dr. Lorey Takahashi, Fall only, WI)
- HON 495 (Fall/Spring, WI/O)
If possible, PSY 439 is preferred because it is designed specifically for Psychology Honors students.

For further information please contact the Honors Program or Undergraduate Advising.